Catechists (teachers) are volunteers who willingly share their time, faith and their faith stories with the participants. Each catechist is given a volunteer-friendly welcome, a formation guide, and support from the RCIA Office. Formation opportunities, in-services and many resources are provided.
What is a Catechist? The word catechist comes from the Greek word "Echo.". Catechist are people who ECHO the Word of God. "Catechists must hand on the teachings of Chirst to those being catechized;...Catechists must make the words of Christ their own: 'My teaching is not my own but is from the one who sent me,' and they confess with Saint Paul, 'I handed on to you...what I also received.'" National Directory of Catechesis (Ch 4:29E)
Volunteer Opportunities:
Catechist: Be willing to share their time and faith with the candidates. Plan weekly lessons using the Lesson Plan Schedule and teacher's guide, as well as a variety of resource materials. Obtain supplies and attendance prior to class.
Assistant Catechist: Be willing to share their time and faith with the candidates. Assist the Catechist with weekly activities and if needed, supervise the class in the teacher's absense.
Office Assistance: This requires a few hours each week handling routine filing and record keeping.
RCIA Sponsor: Each year sponsors from our community are paired with adult candidates for baptism, confirmation and/or full communion with the Catholic Church. Sponosors companion RCIA candidates by attending RCIA sessions, connecting with their candidates to answer questions, and attend the rites and rituals of the RCIA process. Potential sponsors must meet with the RCIA coordinator to discuss the process and to help us better pair them with candidates.