RCIA/Khai Tâm Kitô Giáo là gì?
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initation/Khai Tâm Kitô Giáo), còn được gọi là Giáo Lý Dự Tòng, là một Tiến Trình giúp dẫn đến việc hoán cải đời sống is a process of initiation into the Catholic Community of Faith for persons who are experiencing a conversion in their lives and seeking either Christian baptism in the Catholic Church or full Communion with the Catholic tradition of Eucharist and Confirmation. It is a process which enables the study of the Gospels, Catholic Christian teaching, the acceptance of Christian values and mortality, the development and deepening of a life of prayer and action with the support and involvement of the local Christian community. The RCIA is more than a course of instruction. It is a process of conversion, designed to meet the unique and individual needs of the participants.
Who is the process for?
The Unbaptized: The primary focus of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is on those who are not already Christian and have not been catechized.